Category: Living

Our local newspaper ‘The Bugle’ has a nice little column on the back page of every fortnightly edition which provides residents with a way to share about a recent journey overseas.

I took the opportunity to share about our recent trip to Jerusalem, in which I speak of the significance of walking in the same place where God, himself, trod.

It was an amazing experience to have this geographical connection with the places I’ve read about all my life in the Bible, and it’s a joy to share this with the many people who live around the area of my church.

My Postcard Home in The Bugle


As you may have read in previous posts, we’re moving church, house, school, and that’s because I’m leaving Youthworks and heading off to be the Senior Minister at Oak Flats Anglican.

To try and lead the family through this time of change, we’ve worked hard to keep communicating well with our kids, and praying regularly with and for them all.

With this in mind, I wrote an article for the Growing Faith website called Leading your kids through change, to help share our strategies with others.

I’ve written an article for Growing Faith about the controversial issue of whether or not it is good to bring kids along to funerals.

For a long time, this practice seemed to be either discouraged or even taboo.

But in my opinion, having children at the funerals of people they love can actually help them learn and grieve.

For more, read my full article, ‘Should you take children to funerals.’

It is with a sense of great joy and honour that today I announce that I have accepted the invitation of the Archbishop of Sydney to become the new Rector of the Anglican Parish of Oak Flats.

Oak Flats is located around half an hour south of Wollongong, near Shellharbour and Albion Park on the shores of Lake Illawarra.

After ten years with Youthworks serving in youth ministry training, discipleship, outdoor ministry and writing, I am delighted to have the opportunity to return, with my family, to a parish-based ministry in a local church.

We will be leaving Youthworks and our current home, church and school at the end of September, and will begin at Oak Flats at the start of October.

We would be delighted if you could pray for me and Mandy, and for our children as we prepare for many changes, and that God will ready us for our new role in the future.

Please also pray that God would prepare the members of the church at Oak Flats, as they get ready for a new stage of ministry together.

Finally, please pray for everyone who lives in Oak Flats and the wider Shellharbour region, that God would be kind to use the combined ministry of the McNeill family and the Saints of Oak Flats Anglican to bring the good news of Jesus Christ to those who are perishing without him.

Details of our commencement service will be available shortly.


Call it a midlife crisis if you will, but it’s more than just a little weird seeing the little babies you once held in your arms turn into five-foot-something young women who have one foot firmly placed in adulthood.

This is very exciting and rewarding. God has made beautiful young women out of our lovely little girls.

But the process of development is something that Mandy and I still try to come to terms with on a regular basis.

With this in mind, I wrote this article Who’s that adult in my car for the Growing Faith website.