Category: Engadine Anglican

The other day, as I trained a bunch of youth and children’s leaders at my church, I was vividly reminded of the impact that youth leaders have on the teens in their group.

For many years I’ve trained youth ministers and leaders about the importance and impact of their ministry.

But now, as a parent of teenagers of my own, the significance of youth ministers on the teenagers has arrived very close to home.

Read my tribute called ‘Thank you, youth leaders’, in today’s

When Jesus rose from the dead, it was a time for celebration, not sadness. Yet, Mary stood by the empty tomb in tears.

Jesus’ first words after his resurrection were to her, as he asked “Woman, why are you crying? Who is it you are looking for?”

His question showed that the resurrection of Jesus was a twist in the plot of his life that she never expected.

And this showed that she misunderstood the death and resurrection of Jesus.

But for us who understand the resurrection of Jesus, the empty tomb is the place of hope.

Listen to my sermon at Engadine Anglican Church on Easter Sunday, 8th April 2012.
