After many months of anticipation, my position for next year has now been announced. I have been appointed to be the Assistant Minister/ Youth Pastor at St Philips Anglican Church South Turramurra.
I am thrilled to be able to join the great team at St Philips. I will work alongside Max Boys, the Senior Minister, who has been at St Phils for around 10 years. I replace Gav Poole, who served for three and a half years.
The position will offer many opportunities to minister to the youth of the North Shore of Sydney, and will allow me on many occasions to use music in my talks. In particular, there should be many opportunities in the local schools, including scripture seminars and chapels.
Mandy, Liana, Jemimah and I move on the 28th of November to our new house. The address is 36 Parkinson Avenue, South Turramurra NSW 2074.
We would welcome your prayers as we make this exciting move in only 8 weeks! I still have lots of College work before then, so I need to remain focused on my studies before the new phase of my life!
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