It’s interesting to reflect on how much the Internet has changed in only a few years.

Back in the mid-1990’s, I set up my very first website, and a few years later registered the domain name.

There was a time when a personal website was the main way that a person would have a presence on the World Wide Web.

Fast forward to the present era, and Facebook has really become the web-within-the-Web for so many people.

Perhaps this is the reason that I’ve not posted on this website for several years.

Nonetheless, it still seems worthwhile to have this website going, not only for the fact that it provides an interesting archive of my contributions to the online world over a few decades.

One thing is clear, however: the site is really a little out of date.

God willing, I’ll get a newer photo up soon, and probably try and blow away some of the cobwebs in the WordPress installation, including, maybe, a newer theme.

So, watch this space.