
We are on the cusp of a coming relationship crisis.

Since people can download podcasts from great Bible teachers, and since people can access great libraries of theological books and articles at their digital fingertips, it is more important than ever that our small groups enable people to connect with each other as a context for enjoying and understanding their connection with God.

People need people more than ever.

Find out my solution by reading today’s blog here at

In my mind, what makes a great church band is one that both understands the idiosyncrasies of playing in a band with fluid membership, and short and frequently-under-cooked rehearsals, yet also recognises the need to share the common vision of serving the congregation as they join together in one voice to praise their great God in the assembly of his people.

For this reason, I want to TWIST the arm of the congregational leaders in our churches. I want to TWIST the arm of the rectors, assistant ministers, wardens, and anyone who has a key role in our churches.

I want to TWIST your arm to encourage your church musicians to be a part of one of the TWIST (‘The Word in Song Together’) music events this year run by Emu Music and Youthworks.

To read the full article, click here.

For more details about TWIST, click here!

It is amazing to see the way that doing hard things can bring growth.

If we think that it’s easy to be an excellent athlete without pain and struggle, then we’re deluded.

For some of us, we make the choice to take on a challenge. We might decide to train for a marathon, or study a new language, or learn a new musical instrument.

But for many of us at many stages, the challenge to grow is not one that we choose for ourselves.

In the letter to the Hebrews, the readers are reminded about how some of the great and often painful difficulties we face have come from our heavenly Father.

Read the rest of this article at

As we deal with the disaster fatigue that comes from our 24-hour exposure to news coverage, we tend to seek refuge from this through finding fun. The pagans seek to “eat, drink and be merry”, and we in youth ministry are often tempted to follow a similar strategy.

Yet, the right thing for us to do in our youth groups right now is to lead our kids through a sober reflection on the global crises facing us, and to show the students how to respond appropriately to these events.

So what is your youth group going to do this weekend in the light of the Japanese disaster?

Read my further thoughts (and contribute your comments) in my latest article at

I’ve just had posted an article on about the whole idea of a Christian male rite of passage.

Should we run some sort of wilderness experience where we get fathers and sons to learn about manhood and to mark the occasion of a boy turning into a man?

Read the article (and join in the controversial comments) by visiting