
I’ve been trying to hold off, but for no longer. This weekend I signed up for Twitter, the latest trend in online social networking.

My blog on this new Internet phenomenon is now live at Have a read, and join in the discussion.

This week I’m spending three solid days ‘on team’ with the Deer Park Outdoor Ministry team. Check out my up-to-the-minute micro-blog at (or just look to the left of the screen on my website.

One aspect of our church gatherings that causes some division and confusion is the practice of clapping. It should come as no surprise that the current March 2009 edition of Southern Cross includes a letter to the Editor raising this very issue in relation to the Connect ’09 Big Day In.

Should we clap or not? Read my thoughts in my blog at

Anyone who knows me well will be aware that I like things to be both relational and to be professional. However, it can often be difficult to achieve both of these goals at the same time…

Read my thoughts in my blog at

I do not envy the Prime Minister one bit. As a public, committed Christian he was required to preach a ‘sermon’ at a ‘service’ that invited along everyone but God.

Read my controversial comments in my blog at