
Have you ever been involved in creating a mission or purpose statement for a Christian group? If you have, then you will know the challenge in trying to generate a sentiment that is broad enough to include every possible activity of the organisation, and yet narrow enough to help define the core passion.

Read my conclusions in my article at

As a result of market-driven ministry models, many churches have tried to work out how to make church more tasty (i.e. entertaining).

Read my thoughts in my article at

How often have you heard the saying “Preach the gospel always, and if necessary use words”? This oft-repeated quote from St Francis of Assisi is often bandied around as a reminder that our actions speak louder than words. Yet, this motivation to live good lives can easily turn into an excuse not to speak at all.

Read my full thoughts in my article at

One of the greatest challenges in youth ministry is making connections – between younger people and older leaders, school students and local churches, and most of all, between believers and unbelievers. Camps are a venue that can achieve all three.

Read more in my monthly article at

In the midst of an exciting, yet very busy 2008, I’ve let go. I kept writing stuff for but haven’t even put links to those posts on my own website.

So, the plan is now to go through my old articles, and put a link to them here.

In case I forget to update them, here is a link to all of my previous articles.