As always, January and February are the biggest months for youth ministry training. Since the start of the year I have delivered training from Katoomba to Nowra, and everywhere in between!
The year began with two big Mondays at KYLC (Katoomba Youth Leadership Conference) where I trained all of the first year delegates on the Essentials of Youth Ministry. http://www.kylc.kcc.org.au This was followed by training at the Youthworks LiT (Leaders in Training) Conference in Nowra. http://www.lit.youthworks.net
As always, I have also spent two big weeks teaching the Australian College of Theology (A.C.T.) Diploma of Theology Course in youth ministry–Youth in the Churches (DM211) at Youthworks College. 30 hours of youth ministry for youth ministers. Details at http://www.college.youthworks.net
In addition, I have spoken at the Youthworks Scripture in Schools Conference at Dapto, plus delivered training in at the annual Salvation Army youth and children’s ministry training conference.
Thanks to God for the opportunity to train around 800 people throughout Sydney!