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Behind the microphone at FM103.2

Listen to Sydney FM103.2 this Sunday the 4th of September at 10pm and you can spend half an hour listening to a recent chat I had with Phil Lamb. It was a nice time to talk through my life and my ministry… and the only strange thing was that it was being recorded for broadcast!

We talked about TWIST, Year 13 and my youth ministry training. We also spent a lot of time talking about the place of music in church.

If you’re not in the Sydney Metropolitan area, visit on Sunday night and listen to the interview in real time streaming.

I am excited to announce a brand new program with Youthworks that I have been asked to lead. The “Year 13 @ Youthworks” program is a gap-year program for teenagers who have just finished studying their HSC. It provides nine months (March to November) during which students ‘Take a Year ON!’ and get a sample of Christian ministry in a close community of like minded people.

In addition to the two days per week at Youthworks College, studying a ‘Diploma-Lite’ course, it includes practical ministry experience at a church or a school. It also features a one month short term mission experience to Africa, as well as opportunities to serve as a leader on several of the Youthworks holiday and Horizon school camps.

Whilst I will continue to train and advise youth leaders and ministers, my new role as Year 13 Director will occupy half of my week, as I prepare, promote, and pastor the program, as I preach and teach the Scriptures to the Year 13ers during lectures, chapel, and other informal opportunities.

Due to my increased load, I will no longer be the youth ministry trainer/adviser for the Anglican region of Georges River. However, I will continue to focus upon those in the South Sydney region. For those outside these regions (and in non-Anglican denominations), I will still be available to consult and/or train on a case-by-case basis.

For more details visit

Singing at the TWIST Live Recording

It was a great thrill to be a part of the TWIST Music Conference last weekend. This important event provides training and encouragement for people involved with music ministry in their local church.

During the weekend, I MC’d the main sessions (including the special live recording on the Saturday night for the upcoming EMU Music Live CD). I also conducted training sessions on the topics “Youth Ministry and Music” and “Rethinking Church”.

To read more about the conference, check out the recent article in titled “TWIST – but don’t shout.” You can also visit the official TWIST website at

RICE Big Day Out 2005 Main Stage

It was a great joy to join the crew from RICE on Saturday for their annual RICE Big Day Out. This year’s event at Homebush Bay attracted well over a thousand youths and leaders from 36 Chinese congregations throughout Sydney.

The format included music, fete tents (featuring a wide range of activities), plus three talks on main stage, of which I gave the final talk.

RICE continues this Saturday night at the Sydney Town Hall, where Al Stewart is the main speaker.

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