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Failure’s often a dirty word. But failure’s far more positive than we often paint it.

In this sermon from Isaiah 1 we see failure upon failure. We see the failure of God’s people to love God. We see the failure of God’s people to love one another. And we even see what seems to be failure of God, himself.

Yet, despite this apparent failure, there is hope.

Listen to this sermon originally preached on 1st May 2011 at Sylvania Anglican Church where I highlight the hope found in the fulfilled promises of God.


It’s easy to see why our world glamorises temptation. But, when it comes down to reality, temptation is really just another way of showing that we’re not satisfied with what God’s given us. It’s about doubting God’s goodness, his provision for us. It’s about wanting more than what God’s given us.

And so this is why we pray that it won’t happen. We ask our Father to “Lead us not into temptation, but (to) deliver us from evil.”

Listen to this deeply-personal sermon on this phrase in The Lord’s Prayer from Matthew 6:13 where I talk about a number of temptations that affect us, and discuss practical ways to survive them. Preached at Sylvania Anglican Church on 28th November 2010.


Probably the most dangerous request ever made by anyone is the simple sentence, “Let your kingdom come, let your will be done on earth as in heaven.”

In the second talk from a series on The Lord’s Prayer, we look at what this phrase means, and why it’s so dangerous. And hopefully, by the end of the talk, you’ll see why it’s such a great thing for us to pray to God.

Listen to this sermon on Matthew 6:10, the second phrase from The Lord’s Prayer, as preached 6pm on 31st October 2010 at Sylvania Anglican Church.


The ‘Day of the Lord’ is just around the corner.

What will that day be like? Should we fear it? How can we prepare for it?

Listen to this sermon on 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 preached 6pm 26th September 2010 at Sylvania Anglican Church.


We are on the cusp of a coming relationship crisis.

Since people can download podcasts from great Bible teachers, and since people can access great libraries of theological books and articles at their digital fingertips, it is more important than ever that our small groups enable people to connect with each other as a context for enjoying and understanding their connection with God.

People need people more than ever.

Find out my solution by reading today’s blog here at