The inaugural JOLT Year 6 Leavers Camp at Sylvania Anglican Church.

This week’s ‘JOLT Year 6 Leavers Camp’ marks the start of my new role at Sylvania Anglican Church. I have accepted an voluntary position as the Honorary Youth Minister. In addition to my current full-time position at Youthworks (with the dual roles of Youth Ministry Trainer and year 13 Director), I will now coordinate the weekly running of this parish-based youth group (adding a third ‘hat’!)

This is only possible due to the strong youth leadership team in the church. The five existing leaders will continue to make the day-to-day things happen, but I will provide overall training, support and pastoral care to them. I will also regularly lead and speak at the Sunday afternoon group, and lead a mid-week Year 6 Mens Bible Study group.

Whilst this new role will take up some time and energy, it will give me more focus and ongoing hands-on activity in youth ministry. Whilst I have been continued to be active in youth ministry over the past three years at Youthworks, my role in this one church will give me ideas and an extra affinity with the youth ministers and leaders I train and support throughout Sydney and beyond.

The youth group at Sylvania Anglican is called ‘JOLT’ and currently has five leaders, and around 12 students at high school. This week we took away on camp eight year sixers who have been a part of our mid-week kids club. They will join the JOLT group on Sunday 9 October.

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