Category: Family

Effective Monday 25th November, I have started as a Youth Ministry Adviser with Anglican Youthworks.

As part of my new job, I am available to Anglican churches in the Sydney Diocese for consultations at no charge, to run training and to assist in any way possible. Other denominations are welcome to contact me to discuss how I can assist you.

My particular focus is church-based youth ministry in the Sydney Anglican Diocese regions of Georges River and South Sydney, as well as the Sutherland Shire. However, I am also available for training and consultation throughout the Diocese at large.

I would also love to come and speak at your church, youth group or school.

Our contact details have changed. You can see them on the contact me page.

Also, it’s only 5 weeks to go until the due date of our third child, so only one more major change to go… God willing!

Mandy and I have two pieces of news to share with you all.

The first is that I have accepted a job with Anglican Youthworks as a Regional Youth Adviser. My new role is to work with the Church Resource Unit in developing strategies to reach the Archbishop’s goal of 10% of all Australians in Bible-believing churches within 10 years. My job will take me to churches throughout Sydney Diocese as our team trains and resources churches and schools in this exciting mission. Youthworks is under the direction of Al Stewart (CEO), and my team leader will be Tony Willis (Director, Church Resources Unit).

We will leave St Philip’s South Turramurra and begin with Youthworks on the 25th of November. We are planning to live in the St George area (near Hurstville), as I am responsible for the Georges River and South Sydney Regions of Sydney Diocese. I will email you our new details later this year when they come to hand. (NB. My mobile and my email will remain the same).

The second piece of news is that we are expecting our third child. The due date is 6th January 2003.

Originally we thought the baby was due on the 31st January, but the ultrasound showed that we were four weeks out!

We would greatly appreciate your prayers during the coming months. Pray for Mandy as she deals with the stresses of pregnancy and the preparation for the move. Pray for Liana and Jemimah as they prepare to say goodbye to friends and move on to a new home (and school or preschool). Pray for me that I will finish strongly at St Philip’s and be well prepared for my new role. Pray for us all as enjoy a few weeks’ holiday between jobs.

On the 3rd February I will be Ordained as a Deacon in the Anglican Church. If you would like to join me on that day, then here are the details.

Date: Saturday 3rd February 2001

Time: 10:30am (doors open at 9:30, and I suggest you get there early as seats are in high demand)

Place: St Andrew’s Cathedral, Sydney

It would be great if you could join Mandy and me on this special day.

I recently said to a person at my new church that I had waited for my first day at St Phil’s for twelve years! It was in 1989, during my first year at Uni, that I decided that I wanted to be a full time minister of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. When I said that I was 18 years old, single, and bubbling with enthusiasm. Today I am almost 30 years old, married with two beautiful children… and still overflowing with enthusiasm.

It is a thrill to be involved with the people at St Phil’s. We have been lovingly welcomed, and everyone we have met have gone out of their way to help us with the major transition to our life. We live in a beautiful house on a beautiful street. God has blessed us richly in so many ways!

Mandy and the kids are settling in very well. It has not been without its share of frustrations, but now we think we know where ‘home’ is. Liana and Jemimah had their birthday party 2 weeks ago, and it was great to have all their friends join them in their new home.

My boss is Max Boys, the Senior Minister at St Phil’s. With his lovely wife Rose he has supported Mandy and me as we have tried to work out where to begin and how to cope with all the new pressures. I value Max’s unending support and guidance, and feel greatly privileged to have been asked to assist him in his responsibilities.

We have also met many of the people who attend the evening church, our main focus on Sundays. The people are filled with excitement for the many changes that have been underway at the church over the months prior to our arrival. Most significantly is the introduction of a new 5pm church service, and the re-launch of our 7:15 service (now meeting at 7pm). It is great to see how everyone is so flexible in making such important changes to their lives together, and I trust that this and other changes will ensure that we keep moving our sights on the ever-changing targets that are the lost of this world.

I have spent many late nights getting to know the youth leaders and discussing together what our goals should be as we minister to the youth of our area, and how it is that we should aim to meet those goals. I have been struck by their keenness to serve and their endurance of my many long-winded pep talks. We have together made some changes to how the youth ministry happens at St Phil’s. It will be exciting to see how God uses our plans.

The last four weeks have not been without frustrations and trials. I have been quite sick for the past 7 days with a head and chest cold, which has slowed me down quite a bit. I have much to do at the moment, but this has prevented me in many ways. We have been very busy, and are trying to learn about how to cope with the different lifestyle away from College. It has also been very sad to see many of our close friends from College move all around the world away from us. Some have moved a few hours away; others have moved interstate and even overseas. Those who have moved only minutes away also seem far away as we try to find time together amidst our ever-busy lives. The best and worst thing about College was the new community of friends. It was wonderful to meet such beautiful friends, but it is heartbreaking to have them move so far from us. I remind myself, ‘heaven awaits’. Then I pray ‘Come Lord Jesus’!

Our family went to Katoomba last week for the Katoomba Youth Leadership Convention (KYLC). It was wonderful to meet so many young leaders who are energised to serve the youth of our city and beyond. The program is great, and it was excellent to see the 17 and 18 year olds in the group that Mandy and I led together grow in their understanding of God’s word in only a short time.

Next week I get ordained as a Deacon in the Anglican Church. Many years ago I think I saw ordination as merely a hurdle to ministering in an Anglican church. Now I feel that I am beginning to understand the significance of being commissioned for leadership in Christ’s body, the church. I know that that has happened informally already in many places and at many times in my life. But to have it happen in such a formal way reminds me of the magnitude of the responsibility and privilege of pastoring God’s flock. Whilst the Anglican church is only ‘one boat to fish from’, it is nonetheless the boat that I am fishing from at the moment. And it is an honour to be commissioned to ‘fish’ in this way by those who already fish, and have taught me to fish. [If you would like to come to see me ordained, click here for details.]

Please pray that Mandy and I will continue to remain faithful to God, to each other, and to all our friends and family. I preached on the 14th Jan on ‘Faithfulness’, and looked at God’s faithfulness as shown through the prophet Hosea. It is amazing to consider God’s faithfulness, and to know what our faithfulness must look like in response. May we all be faithful, like God.

I preach next on the 4th Feb on the topic ‘He saved us’, where I will be expounding Titus 3:3-8. May God bless me as I prepare, and all those who sit under the word on that day. We are hoping that many newcomers will join us on that day, and God willing, put their faith in the only one who can save them.

May God continue to bless you and those close to you in the days ahead.

After many months of anticipation, my position for next year has now been announced. I have been appointed to be the Assistant Minister/ Youth Pastor at St Philips Anglican Church South Turramurra.

I am thrilled to be able to join the great team at St Philips. I will work alongside Max Boys, the Senior Minister, who has been at St Phils for around 10 years. I replace Gav Poole, who served for three and a half years.

The position will offer many opportunities to minister to the youth of the North Shore of Sydney, and will allow me on many occasions to use music in my talks. In particular, there should be many opportunities in the local schools, including scripture seminars and chapels.

Mandy, Liana, Jemimah and I move on the 28th of November to our new house. The address is 36 Parkinson Avenue, South Turramurra NSW 2074.

We would welcome your prayers as we make this exciting move in only 8 weeks! I still have lots of College work before then, so I need to remain focused on my studies before the new phase of my life!