Category: KCC

Training at KYLC in 'The Tin Shed' to over 200 delegates each week

Over the past two weeks I have had the opportunity to train over 500 people in youth ministry. This occurred at KYLC (The Katoomba Youth Leadership Convention) and LIT (The Leaders in Training Camp).

The main training happened for the first-time KYLC delegates, who attended ‘Essentials of Youth Ministry’. This three-hour session was held over two afternoons, and provided both a theoretical foundation and practical steps in youth ministry.

In addition, I also taught the third-year KYLC delegates in the workshop ‘Dealing with Trouble’, as well as conducting a seminar for the main KYLC leaders.

At LIT I ran a one-hour session on youth ministry essentials for the high-school aged campers, as well as providing feedback on youth activities.

Interview with Raj Gupta (Conference Chairman) during the main session on Thursday morning.

Over the past week I’ve spent five days at the Katoomba Youth Leadership Conference (KYLC). This event provides excellent training for people in ministry and Bible teaching.

Mandy and I led a strand group, which consists of around ten students who receive personal training in how to prepare a Bible study. Ours was for third-time delegates, and covered Systematic Theology.

In addition, I ran four afternoon workshops, each of an hour and half’s duration. On Monday and Tuesday I took the 200 Stand One students through a 3 hour introduction to youth ministry. On Wednesday I conducted a session for strand leaders explaining the course changes. Finally on Thursday I took some of the Strand Three students through the topic ‘dealing with trouble’.

Next week I will be repeating the four afternoon sessions for the second week group.

If you want to find out more about this great conference visit