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Baxter McNeill, our new English Springer Spaniel

This week we proudly took ownership of Baxter, an eight week old English Springer Spaniel. Ever since we saw the movie ‘Eight Below’ we began to explore the possibilities of adopting a dog. We considered several options until we found out that some friends from church had bred a litter of Springers.

Choosing a name was fairly, but not entirely straight forward. Ken, my old youth minister from many years ago had a practice of naming his animals after church leaders. So, he had Tony the dog (the first name of the Rector at the time,) Jensen the duck (after the now Archbishop–or his brother, Dean of St Andrew’s Cathedral,) and I recall he had an animal named Woodhouse (after his then Rector and the now Principal of Moore College.)

With this in mind, I considered options. What about Stewart, or Willis or Stanton? All worthy contenders. But what about a church leader from history? My initial favourite name was ‘Cranmer’ (after Thomas Cranmer, the Archbishop of Canterbury, and the English Reformer who wrote the Book of Common Prayer.) But every member of my family voted against me. Rather than enforce my powerful right of veto (after all, I paid for the thing…) I considered another alternative. And so, ‘Baxter’ was suggested (after Richard Baxter, the great Puritan), and unanimously supported by the McNeill caucus.

Baxter has brought us great joy in these initial puppy days, although we (and I expect the neighbours) look forward to him getting over his detachment anxiety (with its accompanying midnight barking and whimpering.)

Do you know of any animal names based on church figures? How did you stop your dog whimpering during the night? I’d be interested to hear your comments…

Happy New Year to everyone. This is my first official post on my new-look website, and just to make it even higher-tech, I’m writing it from my BlackBerry.

I’ve moved my website from a Coranto CMS to WordPress, and it seems to have been a great move. Interesting trying to migrate the posts, but I think I’ve worked out the process.

This new site should go live this week, when I’ve got the bugs out of the system.

2006 McNeill Family Christmas Photo

Jodie has had a great year at work, launching and leading the new Youthworks ‘Year 13’ program. He keeps wishing it was around when he was 18, so that he could’ve avoided making his mistakes as a very young adult. He also keeps training people in youth ministry, organising the TWIST conference, and doing youth ministry and music at our church at Sylvania Anglican.  And last, but certainly not least, he loves relaxing with family and friends, usually with coffee in hand!

Mandy has been a busy mum, running a household of  three kids plus Hugo, our newborn (13 May 06.) She leads the ‘WOW’ (Women on Wednesday’) Bible study, and co-leads the youth with Jodie. As ‘Chief of Staff’ in the McNeill household, she continues to avidly watch ‘The West Wing’ for tips on how to keep the President in line.

Liana (9 in January) has entered the ‘Tweens,’ and seems only days away from adolescence. She loves to sing, dance and talk (frequently all at once) and would love a pony if she could somehow sneak one into her bedroom.

Jemimah (8 in February) is loving school, and continues to keep up with her older sister in many ways. She shares the family love of music, but has developed an uncharacteristic love of maths (drawing upon talents previously undiscovered in our DNA.)

Oscar (4 in January) loves anything with wheels. He plays with his cars 24/7, and only pauses when he stops to watch his favourite DVD…yes, ‘Cars!’ He loves preschool and continues to be a testament to the difference testosterone makes in a growing child.

Hugo (8 months) is a ‘mini-me’ version of Jodie…permanent smile, blonde hair, and an attention span that should keep the makers of Ritalin in business for years. Despite a few respiratory illnesses, he keeps smiling, and smiling…

2006 has been a great year for the McNeills. We have settled in well to our new house in Sylvania (yes, ‘The Shire!’) and are continuing to love our church, job, and spending time with our friends and family, both new and old. We are thankful to God for our health, and for the ways in which he keeps sustaining us through the normal ups and downs of life. Overall, it has been a full-on year, with a new house, child, and job responsibilities for Jodie, which has made us feel a bit too frantic at times. But we look forward the opportunity to consolidate our roles and responsibilities in 2007 (i.e. less changes… yeah, right!)

To God be the glory!

I just returned from over two weeks away on holidays in Canberra and at Callala Beach (Jervis Bay). It was a very relaxing time away with the family doing very, very little (a stark contrast to normal life!)

We spent the first four days at Canberra, doing every tourist ‘thing’ we could fit in to our schedule: Parliament House, Questacon, National Museum, Telstra Tower, Australian Institute of Sport, Cockington Gardens, Planetarium, and more! It was great to get ‘distracted’ by the destination!

The remaining ten days were spent at Callala Beach, on Jervis Bay, near Nowra. Lots of time doing very little. In fact, the most ‘productive’ activity was sorting 5,000 digital photos on my hard disk, and culling it down to 2,000. From that, we selected 300 which we then printed on paper. Quite an effort–especially considering I tweaked all the photos in Photoshop first (levels, dodge and burn, and even some desaturations into B&W).

I returned to face 400 emails, but got them down to 100 quickly. Spent a day answering them, and now I’m back on track, but feeling a bit exhausted. Maybe it’s time for another holiday…!

The Year 13 Team prepare to depart for Uganda from Sydney Aiport

The Year 13 team of 16 students and 4 leaders has now left for Africa, and will continue to serve there for the next two weeks. It was a wonderful joy to farewell the team, and to see the excitement in their eyes as they prepared to experience a world away from their own.

Read about their trip in these articles:

Lucky 13 Off To Africa (posted 30 June)

Teenagers Welcome Orphans Into New Family (posted 10 July)

For full details of Year 13, visit